Great Commission Women
Stockton Alliance is known for its special interest in world missions.
Our Thursday morning ladies group is having a wonderful impact around the world from the hard work they do here!
Some of the current projects are:
- Sending cards with Bible verses in different languages to many different countries
- Sending medical supplies to our hospitals in Mali and Gabon, Africa
- Sending financial assistance to South America for Sunday School materials
- Sending various equipment needed to our Missionary Schools around the globe
We also do outreach right here at our church by having luncheons, times of fellowship and special speakers
where we invite our friends to just enjoy themselves and hear about God's love.
Prayer is also a big ministry of ours! What a privilege it is to pray for the needs of our missionaries around the world.
We also pray for our church family, our community and for each other during our fellowship time on Thursdays.
We meet twice a month - 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the Fireside Room at the church.
In November and December we meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays.
Our time together starts at 10am and goes to 1:30pm. Our motto is: Come when you can - leave when you must!